

Welcome to the Yokkit API!

Our API endpoint allows for the creation of streams and the issuance of tickets for the video streaming service.

Please reach out to [email protected] for an API key and limit requests to under 10/s.


Create Stream

curl -X POST "" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_Token>" \
     -d '{
            "title": "New Stream",
            "tabURL": "Yokkit Home@|Yokkit TV@",
            "expiration": "2029-12-25 15:27:33"

JSON Response

    "streamID": "256",
    "rtmpURL": "rtmps://",
    "rtmpKey": "mkBeiKuffGNp"

Create a new stream instance using the provided details. The response will contain a unique streamID for the stream, as well as a RTMP URL + Key to push a RTMP video stream.

HTTP Request


Parameters (JSON)

Parameter Type Description
title * string The title for the stream
tabURL string Optional page to be displayed in the sidebar. Multiple tabs can be displayed in the sidebar along with named title elements in the format of title@url|title@url. Each tab title and corresponding url are separated by the @ symbol, while those tab pairs are delineated by |
expiration string Optional UTC Date and time in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Defaults to +1 month after creation.
introImg string Optional URL to an introductory image shown to viewers prior to the official start of a video stream session.
playbackURL string Optional URL to a YouTube video or custom video stream to be shown to viewers.

Get Stream Details

curl "<streamID>" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_Token>"

JSON Response

    "streamID": "253",
    "title": "New Stream",
    "tabURL": "Yokkit Home@|Yokkit TV@",
    "expiration": "2023-05-23T11:17:24.594673Z",
    "created": "2023-04-23T11:17:24.594673Z",
    "rtmpURL": "rtmps://",
    "rtmpKey": "GmcpUqQHvrPh",
    "tickets": 3

Get the details of a specific stream given the streamID.

HTTP Request



Parameter Type Description
streamID * int The id of the stream

Update Stream

curl -X PATCH "<streamID>" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_Token>" \
     -d "title=New Stream&tabURL=Yokkit Home@|Yokkit TV@ 15:27:33"

HTTP Response

200 OK

Updates the details for an existing stream. All parameters are optional: if any parameters are omitted, the original value remains.

HTTP Request



Parameter Type Description
title * string The title for the stream.
tabURL string A URL for a page to be displayed in the sidebar. Multiple tabs can be displayed in the sidebar along with named title elements in the format of title@url|title@url. Each tab title and corresponding url are separated by the @ symbol, while those tab pairs are delineated by |
expiration string Optional UTC Date and time in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Default to +1 if on creation.

Get All Streams

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_Token>"

JSON Response

    "streams": [
            "streamid": "253",
            "title": "New Stream",
            "created": "2023-04-23T11:17:24.594673Z",
            "tickets": 4,

            "streamid": "254",
            "title": "New Stream",
            "created": "2023-04-23T11:17:24.594673Z",
            "tickets": 0,


Get all streams associated with the API key.

HTTP Request



Create Tickets

curl -X POST "<streamID>/tickets" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_Token>" \
     -d '{
            "email":"[email protected]",
            "expiration":"2029-12-25 13:59:59"

JSON Response

    "ticketID": "7682",
    "passcode": "58530865",
    "name": "Test",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "expiration": "2023-05-23T13:17:34.672407Z"

Create a new ticket for the given stream. Each ticket represents a unique viewer and the passcode is entered by the user in order to get access to the associated stream.

HTTP Request



Parameter Type Description
streamID * int The id of the stream to add the viewer to (in url)
name string Optional name to associate with the ticket
email string Optional email to associate with the ticket
expiration string Optional expiration date. The date and time is in UTC in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Defaults to +1 month on creation.

Get Ticket Details

curl "<ticketID>" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_Token>"

JSON Response

    "ticketID": "7682",
    "streamID": "253",
    "passcode": "58530865",
    "name": "Test",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "expiration": "2023-05-23T13:17:34.672407Z"

Get the details associated with a given ticketID. Note that the name and email would only be available provided that they were passed to us when the ticket was initially created.

If a ticket has not been used, the firstEntry field in the response will be empty string. Otherwise, it will be set to the date/time in UTC (ISO 8601 format).

HTTP Request



Parameter Type Description
ticketID * int The id of the ticket to be looked up

Get All Tickets

curl "<streamID>/tickets" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_Token>"

JSON Response

    "tickets": [
          "ticketID": "1001",
          "name": "Name",
          "firstEntry": "",
          "ticketID": "1002",
          "name": "Name",
          "firstEntry": "2023-05-23T13:17:34.672407Z",

Get all tickets associated with the given streamID.

HTTP Request



Parameter Type Description
streamID * int The id of the stream

Cancel Ticket

Cancels and removes the given ticket. This would also immediately kick a user off the stream if they happen to be actively viewing it.

curl -X DELETE "<ticketID>" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_Token>"

HTTP Response

200 OK

HTTP Request



Parameter Type Description
ticketID * int The id of the ticket to be removed

Restore Ticket

Restores and re-activates a given ticket if it has been previously removed.

curl -X POST "<ticketID>" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_Token>"

HTTP Response

200 OK

HTTP Request



Parameter Type Description
ticketID * int The id of the ticket to be restored

Reverse Lookup

curl "<passcode>" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_Token>"

JSON Response

    "streamID": "253",
    "ticketID": "7681"

Given a passcode, look up the associated ticketID and streamID

HTTP Request



Parameter Type Description
passcode * string The passcode the viewer enters to view the stream.


Error Code Name Diagnosis
400 Bad Request Malformed request.
401 Unauthorized Your API key is wrong.
404 Not Found The API endpoint does not exist
405 Method Not Allowed Incorrect method for the API request.
429 Throttled Too many requests within a short time. Please slow down!
500 Internal Server Error We had a problem with our server. Please try again later.
503 Service Unavailable We're temporarily offline for maintenance/upgrades. Please try again later.